1. This Website is Powered by the Yun2Infinity Project#
The Yun2Infinity is a technology stack that can handle spatial time-series data. It is an integration of the following open-source software:
PostgreSQL Database – the core database software.
TimescaleDB – extension of PostgreSQL that can handle time-series data.
Postgis – extension of PostgreSQL that can handle spatial data.
3DCityDB – extension of PostgreSQL that can handle 3D City data, it uses the data model of CityGML.
FROST-Server – PostgreSQL based implementation of the Sensorthings API.
BIMServer - BIMServer for handling Industry Foundation Class (IFC) Building Information Model (BIM).
Grafana - Dashboard for visualizing time-series data.
CesiumJS - Geospatial 3D viewer.
Jupyter-book - Jupyterbook is a Python libary for building publication ready e-books.
Docker - the container platform for deploying the platform.
Django - the backend web framework used in building webapps.